Get Involved

Through volunteering, you can be a positive influence on young lives, help VAB kids remain independent on their own. Clean up the environment, provide health and quality education, offer your professional skills to this charity organization, and lend your talents to strengthening our Bangladeshi and Canadian communities in countless ways.

The volunteer opportunity at VAB-C, your availability, and expectations can make all the difference.


  • Volunteer for VABC
  • Sponsor VABC Projects
  • Promote VABC on your social networking media and by word of mouth
  • Partner with us for a good cause
  • Donate towards our fundraising initiatives
  • Donating for the VAB-C purposes
  • Leading VAB-C youths
  • Supporting with the resources
  • Fundraising for the VAB kids

One Response to Get Involved

  1. Liton chandra deb nath says:

    how can I involve in it?

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