‘Culture of peace’ in educational curriculum

Pamelia Khaled

Children learn in their early days how to express themselves, read clearly, speak articulately and using pitch and tone in their class presentation and speech in any event. Children at elementary stage also express themselves through writing skills such as creative writing practice, listening to and counting numbers. In Bangladesh, in educational institutions, ‘a culture of peace’ component has not yet been included in the child-centered curriculum.
Promoting education on peace in the classroom has become important in these strife-ridden times in the  globe.

Hundreds of Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps were killed in 1982. Till date, 700 Palestinians died in Gaza, majority of them being children. It is assumed that Netanyahu and his military officials targeted killing of children. The idea is not only barbaric, but also largely unethical. Holocaust took lives of six million Jews; they had to die in gas chambers in implementation of Adolf Hitler’s Aryan blood theory. Similarly Saddam Hossain killed innocent Kurds in Iraq using chemical weapons. It was not a long ago how two atomic bombs were dropped on the innocent Japanese by America. We, Bangladeshis, did not forget how in 1971 General Yahya Khan and his military killed three million innocent people in the country.

Looking at the history, our new generation feel puzzled how they will respond to their enemies who raped and killed their sisters, mothers, brothers, fathers and close family members and relatives brutally. Because they are not well prepared as there is no compassionate curricula that could teach learners how to deal with conflict issues and maintain peace and democracy even in periods of distress.

Education is the means to build a multicultural nation and bring heterogeneous population closely together. A number of war-afflicted countries across the world are now stuck up in violence and conflicts. It is important to identify what educational curriculum  should do to develop a culture of peace, tolerance and solidarity in a multicultural classroom as well as enhancing democracy in a war-ravaged country.
There were a few incidents of rampage on Hindus, Christians, Biharis and members of ethnic community in Chittagong Hill Tracts this year. This is very alarming for social peace in Bangladesh.

The Education International noted in an article  titled ‘Peace Education’: “A culture of peace and non-violence goes to the substance of fundamental human rights: social justice, democracy, literacy, respect and dignity for all, international solidarity, respect for workers’ rights and core labour standards, children rights, equality between men and women, cultural identity and diversity, Indigenous peoples and minorities rights, the preservation of the natural environment to name some of the more obvious thematic.”

In terms of race, religion and culture, divisions among populations of the Indian subcontinent are not a new phenomenon. The splitting-up process was started by the British and implemented through a ‘divide and rule Bengal’ policy and giving birth to two countries based on religious majority such as Pakistan and India. Language, culture, religion and ethnicity have crucial impact on the people of the countries of this region including Bangladesh.

Peace education should be an important component of a curriculum for a multicultural society like Bangladesh as we all want to see a nation which can understand well and appreciate the heterogeneous nature of Bangladeshi culture. Children need to learn new techniques how to avoid religious, cultural and sociology-political conflicts.
The society is now ridden with social and political pressures, divisions and conflicts. Conflict issues have impact on the population as those stand against the non-conformists and increase negative social environment and different concepts to achieve each group’s objectives.

Conflict resolution is only possible when individual, family, society and states join together and involve themselves in finding a particular approach through their positive attitudes.  Thus, it is important to educate a child/youth about the notion of ‘a culture of peace’ through the school curriculum. There is no other alternative to reduce disequilibrium and conflict in the current social system and its culture, religion and politics without nurturing peace education.

Sympathy, kindness, social justice and peace-building steps must be included in the whole curriculum. A culture of peace can be brought into being through educational institutions. Social values and norms must be taught both at home and in schools so that a child can move without any worry.

In a larger sense, a culture of peace could be an important part of holistic education which is nothing but an active curriculum under which students can learn how to foster peace, values and rights from home, family, classroom, community and their social world experiences. Thus, inclusion of a culture of peace in educational curriculum for a multicultural country like Bangladesh is necessary.

The writer is a Doctoral candidate of the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education,
University of Toronto,

Secondary curricula: Quandary of GPA golden 5

Pamelia Khaled

46 Regarding the outstanding result in secondary education and student’s achievement through obtaining GPA golden 5 in the last four academic sessions and recent result, an interview was taken of a professor of Sociology department, Dhaka University in a television program recently. The concern was Bangladesh education system is not promoting a sustainable curriculum.

During the interview the professor mentioned that “Even in my classroom 15 percent of   GPA 5 students (200 students) cannot write a piece of critical writing”. But these students had to face challenges to compete with their peers to get into Dhaka University.  She also mentioned that students’ performance in the admission tests for universities has dropped alarmingly. The admission committee depicts a grim picture of GPA golden 5 students, Bangladesh’s quality of education and it impact on the tertiary education.

Reasons such as rote learning, teacher centered textbook focus teaching, multiple choice examination process and lack of evaluation are responsible for producing unqualified children. As we know, in the Higher Secondary Certificate exams, a GPA-5 scorer needs to obtain  minimum 80 percent marks in all subjects on average and getting admission in Dhaka university and other institutions (such as Medical and Engineering school)  is highly competitive. Then, a question arises how they are obtaining such a high grade score.

Is that a consequence of current politics in education? Why do country’s education systems allow mass scale of pass rates? What is the goal and objectives of promoting high pass rates providing through less quality education? Why does it focus on quantity rather than quality? What type of exams and evaluation procedure are students facing? Out of these mass golden 5 students what is the degree of proficiency in language, maths and other skills? The final question is, what is the impact of GPA golden 5 student’s admission on the tertiary education?

The Daily Star on August 15, 2014 reports  approximately  70 percent GPA-5 holders in 2013-14 failed to secure pass marks (48 out of 120) in the admission test for Dhaka University, according to data of the admission committee. The previous three sessions saw around 55 percent, 52 percent and 51 percent students failing in the entry exams to the Dhaka University. Most of the admission seekers failed in Bangla and English.

45The report also says, students from every discipline can appear in the admission test under the D unit. Last year, out of the 28,454 GPA-5, 23,750 failed to secure pass marks, with 19,510 failing in English and Bangla unfortunately.

Looking at the secondary results and its outcomes (consequences of teaching system and standard of current curricula), 70pc of GPA-5 holders failed in Dhaka University admission test last year, we must re-think of Bangladesh primary and secondary education system, its teaching procedure, its current curricula and the quality of students they are producing.  Are they supporting to division in the society or is it secular? What is the ecology of classroom, what is the teacher and student relationship? Is it gender sensitive, child centered, multicultural? Or ideological based curricula?

We must take lesson from Pakistan curricula. After 1947, more than 6 governments ruled and they could not establish Jinnah’s “right policy for Pakistan children”.The religion of Islam has been-and continues to be-used, perhaps abused, by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in endeavoring to achieve strategic objectives. A primary and secondary school curriculum has been deliberately designed to facilitate the usurpation of genuine educational space by forces of hate, violence and that of extremism. A primary and secondary school environment consciously manufactured to nurture terror, promote prejudice and breed extremism. Irrational fear, perceived external threats, India-centric paranoia and vested economic interests–all teaming up to produce a government prescribed curriculum that preaches hatred and teaches next to nothing”(Curriculum of Hate).

We must be careful of Bangladesh’s past and current government’s motive, are they following Pakistan and trying to implement political party favoured prescribed curricula? Are the curriculum theorists designing hidden curricula (in social science/history curriculum/such as father of the nation, or indigenous /adivasi issue)?

The above education report (Curriculum of Hate) is a lesson for us, Bangladeshis and chance to learn and compare Pakistan’s current curricula. In 1974, the Qudrat-e-Khuda Commission report was formulated and is based on the socio-economic and political state and cultural heritage of the country. The perspectives and this scenario of the education system of the contemporary world were also taken into consideration. In fact, Qudrat-e-Khuda Commission report reflected the fundamentals of the newly framed constitution of Bangladesh. However, Bangladesh has also failed to establish his modernization curriculum plan successfully, it has been more than 40 years. This way Bangladesh lacks in quality of primary, secondary and tertiary education.

We also noticed that so called East’s Oxford’s (Dhaka University) ranking has gone down too, to the bottom of 1000 for student and teacher politics, lack of administration and weak governance. There are several obstacles to implement curriculum reform effectively, the reasons are: lack of expertise, lack of quality in textbooks, and those textbooks do not often contain suitable curriculum. Classroom teacher focuses on the textbooks only and do not asses the main objectives of education.

47What has been done to bridge the curriculum gap? Curriculum scholars and theorists must not only explore the nature of the curriculum design and practice gap but must pay attention to how it may be bridged. Thus, I call for greater cooperation among curriculum theorists, policy makers, school administrators, and teachers. Crafting an ideal, holistic curriculum for all learners is indeed a crucial piece of the quality-education puzzle, as we know that one size does not fit all. Curricular reform in Bangladesh is essential to ensure sensitivity to learners’ cultural and religious backgrounds and needs, place value on teachers’ skills and knowledge, and enable learners to successfully develop and interact within today’s complex and globalized world. To address this gap in knowledge we need a curricular reform in the country. We need to examine, compare and contrast the different curricula currently in place in government and madrasa (religious) secondary schools in Bangladesh and then to use the findings to recommend a unified, inclusive and comprehensive curriculum for all secondary schools in the country.

I suggest examining (the religious and secular both ) primary and secondary curricula from a learner’s perspective to analyses learners’ experiences in the classroom and to determine whether these experiences are supporting their cognitive development and if the knowledge they acquire is sustainable for their future use.

The provision of secondary education has expanded significantly in Bangladesh over time. Current Ministry of Education initiatives to improve the system include teacher training and school monitoring. However, the secondary system has challenges that transcend such initiatives, including a “fragmented curriculum”, high drop-out rates (UNICEF, 2009), low promotion of equity and limited access (Equity and Access – World Bank, 2013), the decentralization of administration and a lack of political will to encourage a dialectic relationship between education providers. The delivery of quality education and the implementation of a highly relevant curriculum are urgent tasks requiring both further analysis and a great deal of political and economic commitment.


The writer is a Doctoral Candidate of Ontario Institute of Studies in Education,
University of Toronto,
email: saifoddowla@gmail.com

Rotary Club of North York:Appreciation for Service Above Self

Certificate Rotary-for VABC


On May,28th,2014 President Pamelia Khaled was invited in the Rotary Club of North York, Toronto, Canada as a guest speaker to educate Rotary members about Volunteers Association for Bangladesh  Canada. During the networking the North York Rotary club President Noel Muttupulle and Rotary members showed their interest to work in collaboration with VAB Canada.

As an appreciation for service above self and an expression of courtesies, the certificate of 20 kids’ polio immunization donation was given to Mrs. Pamelia Khaled by the Rotary President Noel Muttupulle. President Pamelia Khaled believes that networking with Rotary club will allow VAB Canada to reach mainstream of Toronto


The Financial Express

Women Chapter


State of secondary education in Bangladesh and inception of VABC




The challenges immigrant women facing in Canada


Aspire event: VAB Canada sponsored this conference.

The Financial Express. (2013)
Secondary education in Bangladesh:
Acknowledging practical needs

The Financial Express.
(2013). Employers’ lack of concern or the government’s apathy?


The Financial Express.(2013).
Pedagogy, multiculturalism and racism: A fine balance

The Independent.(2013).
Violence, state of education, and gender inequality

 Daily Sun.(2012).
State of secondary education in Bangladesh and inception of VABC

Links to articles and videos on VAB

Article on VAB mission and activities by
an Observer,
published in The Independent,
March 2012

Article on narrowing urban-rural divide in education
by VAB,
published in The Independent,
23 June 2012

Article on VAB-Canada
published in The Financial Express,
Dhaka, Bangladesh,
30 June 2012,

Article on VAB Canada
by pamelia khaled

VAB You Tube Video:
Narration in Bangla: 14 minutes

VAB Documentary in You Tube Video:
Narration in English: 9 minutes

 The Financial Express, Bangladesh

Annual Report 2012-13

VAB ChatVolunteers Association for Bangladesh Canada (VABC) was set up on May 9, 2012 in Toronto, Canada by a group of like-minded individuals concerned with basic education in Bangladesh. VABC is a sister organization of Volunteers Association for Bangladesh (VAB), particularly interested in five central aspects:

1. teacher training requires dramatic improvement, including training in gender issues;

2. curriculum design should include math and literacy teaching starting in preschool, technology training and attention to addressing patriarchal attitudes and customs;

3. language of instruction must include a focus on both English and Bangla;

4. education accessibility for rural and poor sectors; and

5. gender-sensitivity in both policymaking and curriculum design.

Thus,Volunteers Association for Bangladesh Canada (VABC) aims to support charitable and socioeconomic development activities for the disadvantaged in Bangladesh as well as the growing Bangladeshi community in Canada. These activities will also enable Bangladesh to develop into a stronger civil society and thriving democracy. Under the above five broad aspects, the specific purpose of this charity organization is to support primary and secondary education of the poor and the disadvantaged students in Bangladesh.

Since launching the Canadian chapter of VAB, we have undertaken two major fundraising events: a Fund Raising Concert on 22nd September 2013 and a Letter Campaign for the Zakat fund.

2013 was a year of consolidation for VABC with a whole year of various preparations and plans for future expansion:

  1. Computer Laboratory Establishment Plan

December 9th, 2012 was an auspicious day for Volunteers Association for Bangladesh Canada. During the computer sponsorship celebration event, the Bangladeshi professionals of Toronto joined forces with members of VABC on a digital education mission to improve skills for the disadvantaged high school students of rural Bangladesh.

  1. List of Computer Lab sponsors name and schools
  2. Mr. Kaisar Sarwar, Burischar Junior High School, Hathazari, Chittagong (construction is completed)
  3. Mr.Monir Islam, Atakara Hamidia Madrassa, Atakara, Laksham, Comilla (in progress)
  4. Mrs. Amelia Ahmed, Maharani Hemanta Kumari Pilot High School, Nandina, Jamalpur (in progress)
  5. Mr. Pronobesh Poddar, Katnar Centre Junior Girls, Bogora (committed for 2014)
  6. Mr. Mamnoon Rahman, Comilla School, Comilla (construction is completed)
  7. Mr. Saiful Alam Zakir has taken an ambitious to sponsor total 5 schools in the area of Barisal district, Bangladesh (One computer lab construction is completed)
  8. Mrs. Pamelia Khaled, Nandina Nekjahan Girl’s High School (committed for 2014)
  1. Zakat: humanitarian fund collection

All VAB schools are in rural Bangladesh where the schools, the community and the students are poor and deserve help. In fact, we have a large allocation for scholarships for needy students, for example in 2012, we awarded 1,387 high school scholarships to 57 schools.   The estimated need for scholarship in 2013 is 30 lac taka. We take utmost care in selecting genuinely poor students. We take the recommendations of the school and we have staff members and volunteers who visit the locality and meet the parents and the students and in some cases visit their homes. Thus, VABC raised funds through Zakat to provide scholarships for the talented but disadvantaged children.

  1. Winter clothes: humanitarian fund collection

In 2013, the Bangladeshi poor suffered a few weeks of extreme winter spell. The VABC distributed winter goods to the unreachable at earliest possible. The VABC also initiated distribution of warm clothes for the cold-stricken children in Bangladesh. We are pleased that we got a very good response from our members. The following members contributed for this good cause:

Dr. A.T.R Rahman
Mrs. Pamelia Khaled
Mr. Mohammad Nasiruddin
Mr. Mahabubur Rahman
Mr. Shahriar Khaled

Mr Kashem and Mr. Noman and Mr. Mamnoon provided their support in Bangladesh

  1. Supporting Ratna’s high school education

Mr. Mamnoon Rahman committed to support Ratna’s entire High School expenses.

  1. Teacher Development

In 2013, VABC organized teacher training programs and financially supported these programs

  1. Publications: Seven (7) articles were published in Daily Sun and Financial Express on VAB and secondary education in Bangladesh
  2. Rana plaza tragedy: humanitarian fund collection

The apparel sector in Bangladesh has been experiencing a sustained boom since the late 1990s. By2007/08, the sector was earning more than $10 billion in the form of proceeds from sales. It earned $19 billion in 2012 and thus emerged as the impoverished nation’s biggest export-oriented sector. Bangladesh is now the world’s biggest exporter of clothing after China. But the saddest part of the story is Bangladesh’s garment sector and its workers continue to be neglected as ever.

The latest case is the Rana Plaza tragedy, in which the building housing several garment unitscollapsed at Savar in Dhaka and killed over 1000 workers and left hundreds injured. The worst-ever tragedy in the apparel sector shocked people in the country as well as those abroad. So, once again VABC stepped in to collect funds for the victims.

  1. Fundraising plans for 2014

On behalf of VABC, I extend my hearty congratulations to all who worked hard last year for the growth and progress of this organization. This year VABC has planned to create a strong volunteering team and targets to raise $25,000 -50,000 net. Fundraising events for this year include a Gala Dinner and also other interesting events. The President and the Volunteer Team will focus on realistic implementation steps and monitor them closely. Meetings will be held fortnightly initially and later weekly to ensure that the Team reaches its target of having at least 200 members, including new potential donors

টরন্টোতে বাঙালীর মিলনমেলায় সংবর্ধিত

A (8)বিশেষ প্রতিনিধি টরন্টো: কানাডার টরন্টোতে প্রবাসী বাঙালী কবি, সাহিত্যিক, কলামিস্ট, শিক্ষাবিদ, সংগীত শিল্পী, নাট্যকার, টিভি ব্যক্তিত্ব, শিল্পপতিসহ নানান পেশার মানুষদের এক মিলন মেলার আয়োজন করেছিল নিকাস কানাডা নামের একটি অলাভজনক সংগঠন।

স্থানীয় সময় ২৪ আগস্ট বিকেলে টরন্টোর রয়্যাল লিজেয়ন হলে এ অনুষ্ঠানের আয়োজন করা হয়।

মিডিয়া পার্টনার হিসাবে আরটিএনএন ও স্থানীয় বাংলা পত্রিকা ভোরের আলো এবং দুই বাংলার বিশিষ্টজনদের, যারা বিভিন্ন ক্ষেত্রে কানাডার মূল ধারায় ও বাঙালী কমিউনিটিতে অবদান রেখে যাচ্ছেন, আ্যওয়ার্ড দিয়ে সম্মানিত করে নিকাস কানাডা।

অনুষ্ঠানে আরটিএনএন-এর পক্ষ থেকে সম্মাননা গ্রহণ করেন শাহীন সিদ্দিকী।

A (7)

অনুষ্ঠানে আ্যওয়ার্ড প্রাপ্তরা তাদের আজকের এ অবস্থানে উঠে আসার কাহিনী শোনালেন। আশার প্রদীপ জানালেন নতুন প্রজন্মের কাছে।

জয়দেব সরকার শোনালেন কিভাবে কপর্দকশূণ্য এক ইঞ্জিনিয়ার থেকে একজন শিল্পপতি হওয়া যায়, মইনুল আলম বললেন কিভাবে একজন নামকরা জার্নালিস্ট ও লেখক হওয়া যায়। ফুয়াদ চৌধুরী শোনালেন তার নাট্যকার হওয়ার গল্প, পামেলিয়া খালেদ বললেন গার্মেন্টস নারী শ্রমিকদের দুর্দশার কথা। গ্রন্থকার ও ফটোজার্নালিস্ট কলকাতার শান্তিময় সন্যাল রোমন্থন করলেন নয় বারের গোল্ড মেডেল পাওয়ার গল্প, যার রেকর্ড এখনো কেউ ভাঙতে পারেনি।

সাথে যোগ হয়েছিল সুমন মালিকের ‘মোরা একটি ফুলকে বাঁচাবো বলে যুদ্ধ করি’ এবং শাশ্বত সেনের ‘পুরোনো দিনের কথা মনে পড়ে যায়’সহ মনভোলানো সংগীত।

দর্শকদের মুহুর্মুহু করতালিতে মুখরিত ছিল অনুষ্ঠানের পুরো সময়টুকুই।

অনুষ্ঠানে কমিউনিটিকে ক্রমাগতভাবে সাহায্য করে যাচ্ছেন এমন ব্যক্তি ও প্রতিষ্ঠান হিসাবে রয়্যাল কানাডিয়ান মাউন্ট পুলিশ, জেট এয়ারওয়েজ ও টার্কিশ কনসাল জেনারেল গখন টয়কে সম্মাননা দেয়া হয়।

আ্যাওয়ার্ড উৎসব উপলক্ষ্যে নিকাস কানাডা একটি স্মারকগ্রন্থ বের করে।

A (2)

এতে বাণী প্রদান করেন কানাডার গভর্নর জেনারেল ডেভিড জনস্টন, প্রধানমন্ত্রী স্টিফেন হারপার, লে: গভর্নর ডেভিড অনলি, অন্টারিও প্রিমিয়ার ক্যাথরিন উইলি, আরসিএমপি কনস্ট্যাবল সুপারিনটেনডেন্ট, পুলিশ চিফ উইলিয়াম ব্লেয়ার, ক্লিনটন ফাউন্ডেশনের বিল ক্লিনটন প্রমুখ।

পুরো অনুষ্ঠানজুড়ে নিকাস কানাডার প্রতিষ্ঠাতা ও সিইও কয়েস আহমেদের উৎসাহ প্রদান ছিল চোখে পড়ার মত। স্বাগত ভাষণ দেন সংগঠনটির প্রেসিডেন্ট প্রাক্তন নাসা সাইন্টিস্ট ড. জাহাঙ্গীর মিয়া ও অনুষ্ঠানটি পরিচালনা করেন উন্মুক্ত বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের প্রাক্তণ ফিন্যান্স ডিরেক্টর জহুরুল ইসলাম, সিএ।

A (1)

অনুষ্ঠানে আরো বক্তব্য রাখেন ড. আব্দুল আউয়াল, মাহবুবুর রব চৌধুরী, এস আর চৌধুরী রেশাদ, উদীচী শিল্পী গোষ্ঠীর পক্ষ থেকে দিনা সাইদ, নবী খন্দকার, ড. মুরাদ বখত, প্রফেসর মাহমুদা নাসরীন, মালিহা মনসুর, জসিম মল্লিক, টিভি উপস্থাপক সোহেলী কণা প্রমুখ।

২৫ আগস্ট,  ২০১৪
আর টি এন এন

The selection coNICAS CANADA has honoured and awarded Volunteers Association for Bangladesh Canada

The selection committee of the body of ” Network for International Care and Services Canada (NICAS CANADA)”, a renowned humanitarian, community development organization has honoured and awarded Volunteers Association for Bangladesh Canada( VABC) and its founder at a reception ceremony in Ontario Legion Hall on Aug 24 Sunday with other awardees.VAB Canada President Ms. Pamelia khaled thanks to everyone, who are continuously supporting Bangladeshi rural secondary children using all means and resources such as love, aspire, passion, offering their songs, poetry, writing, fund, wealth, physical effort and words. This award was a landmark for Volunteers Association for Bangladesh Canada.  President further notes that “we are privileged Canadian, we have the potential to impact both the Bangladeshi children and the main stream Canadian societies”. Today, it is proved that Bangladeshi –Canadian community members are able to demonstrate a stalwart commitment to enrich the lives of our next generation, fellow Bangladeshi poor and Canadians as well.

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The selection committee of the body of ” NICAS CANADA” has decided to honour and award VAB and its founder at a reception ceremony in Ontario Legion Hall on Aug 24 Sunday with other awardees.

The Reception Committee of NICAS Canada takes great pleasure in inviting you and
your family and friends to attend the 2014 Bengali-Canadian Heroes Recognition
Ceremony to be held on the 24th of August 2014 (4:30PM) at the Royal Legion
Hall, 9 Dawes Road, Toronto, Canada (Major intersection: Danforth and Dawes,
south of Danforth).
Our confirmed Guests of Honour include:
1) Mr. Jaydev Sarkar, “Glory of Bengal”: Chairman – NABC 2013, President – Prabasi
Bengali Cultural Association, President/CEO- Sartex Power Control Systems Inc.


2) Mr. Santimoy Sanyal, RPS (London), Editor- India O Abroad, 9 Time Gold Medal
Awarded Photojournalist


3) Mr. Moyeenal Alam, Famous Journalist & Writer of Bangladesh, Honoured by
President Ford and President Reagan


4) Gokhon Toy, Vice Consul, Turkish Consulate, Toronto


5) Atul Joshi, Deputy Country Manager, Jet Airways


6) Inspector Lise Crouch & Constable Param Dhillon, RCMP- Ontario Division


7) Arthur Potts, MPP, Beaches-East York
NICAS looks forward to your attendance in a ceremony dedicated to honouring our
community’s best pioneers!


Dr. Jahangir Miah (Electrical Eng.)
(Former NASA Scientist)
Convener, Reception Committee
Prof. Zohurul Islam (C.A.)
(Former Director, Finance)
(Open University, Bangladesh)
Co-Convener, Reception Committee

The selection committee of the body of ” NICAS CANADA”  has decided to honour and award VAB and its founder at a reception ceremony in Ontario Legion Hall on Aug 24 Sunday with other awardees.

Teachers training at Udayan School- 2014

Computer Training Report- 2014 of Udayan Secondary School

Mr. Abul Kalam Azad, Program Officer & Computer Instructor of VAB conducted a 2 days training in computer at Udayan Secondary School. This computer lab is sponsored by Mr. Saiful Alam, Director, VAB Canada.

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Eleven teachers of the school attended the training. Please see the attached pictures and the teachers information.