ইংরেজি বিষয়ে দেশের সকল শিক্ষকবৃন্দের প্রতি-

আগামী ৬ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৯ রোজ শুক্রবার VAB’s (Volunteers Association for Bangladesh) ( https://bit.ly/33JDTnK ) -এর উদ্যোগে “Learning to speak English with an Intelligible Pronunciation” and “Facilitating English Boot Camps” -এর উপর দিনব্যাপী একটি কর্মশালার আয়োজন করা হয়েছে।

কর্মশালায় দু’টি অধিবেশন থাকবে।
সকাল ৯ টা থেকে ১২ টা পর্যন্ত চলমান প্রথম অধিবেশনটি থাকবে “Learning to speak English with an Intelligible Pronunciation” -এর উপর। দ্বিতীয় অধিবেশনটি থাকবে “Facilitating English Boot Camps” -এর উপর। যা চলবে দুপুর ২ টা থেকে বিকাল ৫ টা পর্যন্ত।এই কর্মশালায় প্রায় ১২ জন অংশগ্রহণকারীর জন্য VAB’s এর অফিসে রাত্রিযাপনের ব্যবস্থা রয়েছে।

কর্মশালায় অংশগ্রহণ ও বিস্তারিত তথ্য জানতে যোগাযোগ করুন নিম্নের ঠিকানায়-

Amin Rahman
Phone + 61 3 95622 197
Mobile + 61 431580000 (IMO, WHATS APP,  VIBER)
SKype: amin.rahman
VAB’s (Volunteers Association for Bangladesh)
বাড়ি নং# ৮০, রোড # ৩, বায়তুল আমান হাউজিং সোসাইটি, আদাবর, ঢাকা।

Dear VAB and VAB Canada Patrons:

Professor Jamilur Reza Choudhury confirmed his availability today. Thus, I cordially invite you to join in VAB Fundraising event on 19th January 2018 in Dhaka , Bangladesh. It would be really nice if we all could make this event successful. It’s a long overdue note of thanks and appreciation for your generous donation to VAB at its 2017 Award Event on November 25, 2017. My apology for the delay. And do accept our deepest appreciation.

We have since then heard all of your various tremendous philanthropic support including our rural VAB children’s Education. Our invitation to you is always open. Thanks !

Best regards,
Pamelia Khaled

Kindly send your address for us to write out the receipt of the fund. To know more about us:


Last project was Nandina M. H. K. Govt. Pilot High School, Nandina, Jamalpur.

C.T Nandina  Govt. HS-1 C.T Nandina  Govt. HS-3



VAB provided 2 Corei3 Toshiba latops and one desktop computer.
Mr. Abul Kalam Azad, Program Officer & Computer Instructor of VAB conducted a 2 days (18-19 August, 2014) training in computer. Eighteen teachers of the school attended the training. They are very pleased to get the computers & training

The selection committee of the body of ” NICAS CANADA” has decided to honour and award VAB and its founder at a reception ceremony in Ontario Legion Hall on Aug 24 Sunday with other awardees.

The Reception Committee of NICAS Canada takes great pleasure in inviting you and
your family and friends to attend the 2014 Bengali-Canadian Heroes Recognition
Ceremony to be held on the 24th of August 2014 (4:30PM) at the Royal Legion
Hall, 9 Dawes Road, Toronto, Canada (Major intersection: Danforth and Dawes,
south of Danforth).
Our confirmed Guests of Honour include:
1) Mr. Jaydev Sarkar, “Glory of Bengal”: Chairman – NABC 2013, President – Prabasi
Bengali Cultural Association, President/CEO- Sartex Power Control Systems Inc.


2) Mr. Santimoy Sanyal, RPS (London), Editor- India O Abroad, 9 Time Gold Medal
Awarded Photojournalist


3) Mr. Moyeenal Alam, Famous Journalist & Writer of Bangladesh, Honoured by
President Ford and President Reagan


4) Gokhon Toy, Vice Consul, Turkish Consulate, Toronto


5) Atul Joshi, Deputy Country Manager, Jet Airways


6) Inspector Lise Crouch & Constable Param Dhillon, RCMP- Ontario Division


7) Arthur Potts, MPP, Beaches-East York
NICAS looks forward to your attendance in a ceremony dedicated to honouring our
community’s best pioneers!


Dr. Jahangir Miah (Electrical Eng.)
(Former NASA Scientist)
Convener, Reception Committee
Prof. Zohurul Islam (C.A.)
(Former Director, Finance)
(Open University, Bangladesh)
Co-Convener, Reception Committee

The selection committee of the body of ” NICAS CANADA”  has decided to honour and award VAB and its founder at a reception ceremony in Ontario Legion Hall on Aug 24 Sunday with other awardees.

Have a happy joyous Eid!


Dear friends and VAB Canada family:
There are many destitute children, parents and families are going to miss this Eid festival, especially in the war conflicted zone across the world.
Let’s sit for a while and think quietly and send our good wishes for those helpless/victims through loving- kindness practice.
On behalf of VAB Canada, with a heavy heart I wish you all a blissful Eid.
Warm regards,
Pamelia Khaled
Founder-President Volunteers Association for Bangladesh Canada (VABC)

Educational Conference 2014, VAB Bangladesh and VAB Canada

VAB Canada is very pleased to inform you that VABC Educational Conference 2014 cum Iftar event took place in Dhaka on 16 July at the VAB New Office. Professor Dr. Jamilur Reza Chowhury was present as the chief guest and Professor Dara Shamsuddin of Jahangir Nagar University, Mr Magfuruddin Ahmed, former Rotary Governor, Dr Harun ur Rashid of Shanta Marium University, Mr Nurul Alam Joint Secretary General of Bangladesh, Engineer and IT Specialist Rifat Zaman, Engineer. S Baki Dirctor of Titas Gas, Lolita Wohab, M Wohab, Engineer Muniruzzaman of Public Works Dept., Brig. Gen. Abdul Halim were present at the event.

There were also many dignitaries and educators  present at the conference.



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Pamelia Khaled is delighted to share with all the members/partrons/volunteers “the VAB Canada Iftar party”.

VabVAB Canada President Pamelia Khaled thanks to Dr. Jasimuz-zaman,country director of Volunteers Association for Bangladesh(VAB) for his support for arranging an Iftar party in Bangladesh in the mid of July, 2014. She also thank and welcome all the VAB dignitaries who will be present in the Iftar event.
Pamelia Khaled is delighted to share with all the members/partrons/volunteers “the VAB Canada Iftar party” arrangement news she has received from Dr. Jasimuz-zaman, the country director, VAB in the morning. This Iftar party is planned by Mr. Maruf A Khaled along with the assistance of other director and advisor are present now in Bangladesh. The goal of this Iftar party is to develop connection with VABC and VAB and Bangladeshi business professionals and educators. Besides networking, the VABC planners/associates will seek support for zakat funds, educational programmes donations from Bangladesh and Canada end. VABC invites intellectuals, wealthy patrons (in Bangladesh) in this Iftar event to develop awareness about VAB and VAB Canada’s goal and objectives

We are searching for ‪VOLUNTEERS

We are searching for VOLUNTEERS who want to do something for Kids.
This Ramadan, VABC Foundation is collecting ZAKAT for VABC CHILDREN’S School Dresses and healthy Foods.
Join in and spread the word across the globe if you are interested to help disadvantaged children in Bangladesh.
Join with us to be a part of VAB Canada.

For more info:
647 284 5657 (Moe Islam)
647 349 1729 (Pamelia Khaled)

Event Page: Facebook Events Page
Registration Link:

Musical Event and Fund Raising

 volunteers Association for Bangladesh Canada hosts a special event on 22nd September at St. Patrick Secondary high school auditorium. “The VAB-C Concert Night” is supported by Torontonians professionals and the most famous Singer Farhana Shanta that builds Bangladeshi and Canadian community spirit and raises money for the disadvantaged Bangladeshi children’s education and support programs. Your participation plays a big role in our efforts to reduce inequality in education and improve the quality of our children’s’ lives and environment.


Venu and Time

St. Patrick Catholic Secondary School
49 Felstead Avenue
Toronto, ON M4J 1G3
Date – 22 September
Time – 6:30 PM

View Larger Map

Main Intersection – Danforth Ave and Coxwell Ave
Near to the Coxwell Subway

Free Parking