ইংরেজি বিষয়ে দেশের সকল শিক্ষকবৃন্দের প্রতি-

আগামী ৬ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৯ রোজ শুক্রবার VAB’s (Volunteers Association for Bangladesh) ( https://bit.ly/33JDTnK ) -এর উদ্যোগে “Learning to speak English with an Intelligible Pronunciation” and “Facilitating English Boot Camps” -এর উপর দিনব্যাপী একটি কর্মশালার আয়োজন করা হয়েছে।

কর্মশালায় দু’টি অধিবেশন থাকবে।
সকাল ৯ টা থেকে ১২ টা পর্যন্ত চলমান প্রথম অধিবেশনটি থাকবে “Learning to speak English with an Intelligible Pronunciation” -এর উপর। দ্বিতীয় অধিবেশনটি থাকবে “Facilitating English Boot Camps” -এর উপর। যা চলবে দুপুর ২ টা থেকে বিকাল ৫ টা পর্যন্ত।এই কর্মশালায় প্রায় ১২ জন অংশগ্রহণকারীর জন্য VAB’s এর অফিসে রাত্রিযাপনের ব্যবস্থা রয়েছে।

কর্মশালায় অংশগ্রহণ ও বিস্তারিত তথ্য জানতে যোগাযোগ করুন নিম্নের ঠিকানায়-

Amin Rahman
Phone + 61 3 95622 197
Mobile + 61 431580000 (IMO, WHATS APP,  VIBER)
SKype: amin.rahman
VAB’s (Volunteers Association for Bangladesh)
বাড়ি নং# ৮০, রোড # ৩, বায়তুল আমান হাউজিং সোসাইটি, আদাবর, ঢাকা।

Once a child cancer patient, now Dr. Rivière

Raphaël Nahar Rivière became fascinated with medical professionals who treated him

Raphaël Nahar Rivière graduated from the University of Ottawa’s medical school on May 17. He was inspired to study medicine after surviving childhood cancer. (Kanita Khaled)

Raphaël Nahar Rivière was diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma, a form of bone and skin cancer, at age seven. He endured an 18-hour bone transplant surgery and rounds of chemotherapy, treatment that lasted months.

It was a dark time for the little boy and his family, but there were also bright spots during his time at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children. Rivière remembers play rooms, clowns, colouring books and visiting dogs.

“At home we didn’t have any video games, but at the hospital there was a Nintendo and I loved playing Pokemon Stadium,” Rivière told host Robyn Bresnahan on CBC Radio’s Ottawa Morning.

Raphaël Nahar Rivière poses with his mother, Pamelia Nahar Khaled, moments after graduating. (Leslie Newell)

Kept up his studies

Rivière kept up with his schoolwork while in hospital, and his oncologist and surgeon encouraged him to keep studying.

He took their advice, motivated to learn more about his disease in particular, and medicine in general, so that he could help others the way he’d been helped as a child.

“This happened to me, but I got out of it relatively unscathed. That’s why I need to …follow this through a career.”

Rivière’s family immigrated to Canada from Bangladesh, seeking a better life for Raphaël and his sister, Kanita, and eventually settling in Toronto.

He was diagnosed three months later.

His father left the family after struggling to adapt to life in Canada while coping with the stress of having a sick child.

‘It was very special’

Rivière said his mother supported the family working a retail job, and never let her son’s illness become his focus. “You’re sick. that’s fine. But you’re going to study,” he recalls her telling him.

She returned to school after Rivière had been cancer-free for 10 years, and is currently working on her PhD at the University of Toronto.

When he crossed the stage at the University of Ottawa to receive his medical degree on May 17, Rivière said he was thinking about how it wasn’t an accomplishment he could have obtained on his own.

When he embraced his mother afterward she told him, “So proud of you. You did it! Congratulations, Dr. Rivière.”

“It was very special,” he said.

With files from CBC Radio’s Ottawa Morning


Links :
CBC, Canada

Invitation Notice

My Dear friends:
VAB Canada invite you to join in a dinner event on 2nd February at Fire on Ice, Uttara Dhaka please join to support our needy children. Contact with Anwar Khaled at 01977240672 and 01977240672. Please communicate and share the date and time with your friends. I will wait to see you eagerly as this will be my last meeting opportunity with you.
Much love!

Exorcising the ghost of question leaks

Pamelia Khaled

Curriculum theorist Aoki’s planned curriculum reminds us of Leonard Cohen’s (1992) song, The Anthem: There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light comes in. The meaning of pedagogy is stranded in the relational and intentional responsibility of teachers to students. Pedagogical love cannot be received or perceived through any prescribed curricula or in an empty classroom environment, in which the sense of love and emotion for the students is totally absent and relegated.

The curricula teachers teach are linked with the understanding of self: who actually they are and their realisation of ecology in the classroom. The first thought is: teachers need to realise why they need to deliver a transactional pedagogy. And do they acknowledge that transactional pedagogy can develop peace and cordial relations similar to love. The second thought is how a pedagogy can make the difference that involves a teacher’s self and students’ transformation. The self-actualisation process aims to help teachers identify where they stand in terms of these three pedagogies (transition, transaction and transformation) and how they can move towards the transformation finally.

At the field level, I’m having frustrating information from various areas regarding Bangladesh’s education system. Three education specialists of Bangladesh Professor Sirajul Islam Chowdhury, Professor Siddikur Rahman and Syed Manjurul Islam have revealed that “there is a crack in everything”. The three specialists have said that Bangladesh’s education sector is in trouble for leaked questions before exam, the pressure of exam and the approach of the ministry of education. This year a local daily ran stories on question leaks that occurred in different exams throughout the year. It said that the questions for the Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) examinations, which began countrywide on November 1, were available on several social media sites such as Facebook and Whatsapp before the examination. Primary education completion exam, Secondary School Certificate (SSC), Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and even university admission questions are leaked. Students are engaged in obtaining questions at a cheaper price. They are less interested in studying textbooks. Even good students also argue that it is important to obtain questions before any exam, as they are afraid that weaker students will secure good marks and they will fall behind.

Teachers are also concerned that the education system is more focused on texts and exams, so students are in a competition about how everyone can get GPA 5. The teachers and intellectuals of Bangladesh also think that the entire education system focuses on exam, not learning. They assert that there is no need of board exam at the primary level, at least up to the grade five. I also think a trained primary class teacher is enough to prepare two report cards for students yearly. From report cards the board will know where students need more support to improve. Primary education completion exam for the grade 5 can be taken only to keep the record for the ministry of education to know where the primary students face challenges and which school needs teachers’ skill development and where contents need to be reviewed and how primary curriculum can be improved.

The biggest stress on students is parental pressure: children are bewildered by the meritocratic system and exam pressure. And parents are in a race to hire five to eight teachers for coaching their children after school. Teachers, counselors and psychiatrists are unable to make some parents understand that students are coming under mental pressure because of this attitude. Parents must be engaged in friendly discussion with their children and solve the problems during the parents’ meeting with teachers.

Bangladesh’s competitive society prompts parents to choose careers for their children that are in higher demand in the job market. Parents encourage their children to nurture a high ambition. Happiness, love and pleasure of learning in classrooms are largely absent. There are not enough opportunities for science and math learning as in many schools there is no science teacher. Science teaching requires more transactional modes of teaching and learning such as labs and science trips. On the other hand, there is less importance on the humane side development through extracurricular activities such as dance, drama, music, craft and arts.

The education commission acknowledges that subjects like art, literature, dance and music allow learners to be creative while the education ministry is more concerned about the sectarian issues and less interested in extra curricula skills. It seems the education ministry is more careful about implementation of prescribed and political curriculum to seize further political benefit.

The Dr. Kudrat-e-Khuda Commission report 1972 suggested teaching moral education till the grade eight but it could not see the light in the last four decades.

Students also think that depending on objective types of exam system was a great mistake as it destroyed students’ curious mind and their reading habit. To continue with the new creative education system (srijonshilshiksha) learners need to adapt themselves. We also need to encourage them to grow the reading habit and also there is a need to train teachers on how to check lengthy exam papers.

Curriculum theorists Aoki describes the other curriculum as a multiplicity of lived curriculum: how a teacher and his/her pupils experience.  There can be many lived curriculums that can vary and be different in every classroom. So it is difficult for a teacher to plan and teach a planned curriculum, the text without knowing the dynamics of the classroom. Therefore, parents must listen to students’ opinions and they need to allow students to express their own views on any issue. Both parents and teachers must try to learn students’ views on socio-cultural issues, what they think, expect and how they view the society they are living in.

In evaluating merits of a student the education system in Bangladesh solely depends on the textbooks and exam system. A rigid exam system is forcing students to memorise notes. There is also not enough support for the students who are falling behind or who have different merit levels and need assistance. All categories of students are studying the same curriculum in the same classroom. This is problematic.

There is a difference between planned and lived curriculum in Bangladesh’s education system, “that’s how the light gets in.” From the current education system, lessons can be learned. The people in the administration, curriculum planners and the civil society should put all heads together to outline how Bangladesh’s education system should be. As there is a lack of political will, it should be taken care of at first. Designing a transactional curriculum, which is practical and interactive, may help make communication between students and teachers more effective. Pedagogical love helps teachers and their students participate equally in understanding each other and gathering wisdom.


The writer is an anthropologist and environmentalist. She is pursuing her PhD research on Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto, Canada. Pamelia07@hotmail.com


The distinctiveness of VAB with personalities like Professor Jamilur Reza Chowdhury and Dr. Haroonur Rashid in its Board was spelled out by both the Governor and the Secretary. The schools were duly and amply recognized and the participating Headmasters, teachers and the students were delighted and inspired.There was great appreciation for Dr. Rahman the Founder- President and others who set up VAB and for President Pamelia Khaled and her team in Toronto for setting up VAB-C under her leadership. President Pamelia Khaled made a dashing presence with her youthful friends and made a lively and cheerful environment with announcements of donations from her and her group of friends , and VAB Canada donors and and handing over real Canadian money and Bangladeshi check to the Country Director Dr Jasimuz-zaman.






VAB Schools list- 2014

Volunteers Association for Bangladesh
4/1, Iqbal Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207
Telephone: 9104558, Mobile: 01680-077829,
Web Site: www.vabonline.org

VAB Schools list- 2014

Name, Location by Districts, Year Started with VAB, Number of Students and Teachers


District Upazilla Name of School VAB Students Teachers
Narshingdi Raipura Al Haj BazlulHaque H S 2001 881 18
MorjalKazi Md. Bashir HS 2012 1308 21
Polash Sekandardi A M HS 2008 523 11

Char Amlabo High School201261418 Dhukundi High School201228011 Harishnagan High School201283818 ComillaBurichangAragAnandapur HS200643010

MuradnagarBashkite P.J HS2010115124 Ghorashal A.K HS200674412 G.B.D Amir Hamja HS20126009 SainudduinSarker High School20132508 Taymos Begum HS200380312 DaudkandiGouripurSubal-Aftab HS2009243830 DebiddwarBarashalghar Union HS2003207238 ComillaSadarShailaRanideviPaura Girls’ High School201390731 MunshigonjGazariaBaluakandi Dr. Abdul Gaffar HS200177417 D.A. Mannan Pilot HS200152514 BrahmanbariaAshuganjKamaura Shaheed Smirity HS200665012 KasbaJamsherpur High School201253012 NabinagarShibpur Union HS2001180027 Dhanashi High School201262510 Natghar High School201254013 Naogown High School201295413 ShymgramBanalataBipin Girls’ High School20123208 ChandpurSharastiSouth Suchipara Union HS200856314 HazigonjTongirparHatila Union HS2003105010 FeniChagalniyaKashipur HS200354212 PorshuramMirzanagarTouhid Academy200164721 ChittagongRawzanMahamuni-Anglopali HS200864714 Quepara Girls’ High School201217211 SandwipSandwip Model HS20104089 KatgarGolamNabi High School201267013 HathazariBurischar High School201392020 Kurigram

NageshwariAdarsha Pilot Girls HS200960022 Nageshwari DM Academy200997017 ShalmaraIslamia B.L HS201235018 Berubari B.L Girls’ High School201231017 SantoshpurAdarsha B.L HS201230012 DinajpurBochagonjBatasan High School200855013 JoypurhatKhetlalBeni-JasimuddinMemoral B.N201126512 BograSadarBadurtala Girls’ High school201421710 NogaonShapaharShapaharDangapara HS200028512 Jaman Nagar Girls’ HS200145012 MymensinghTrishalMathbari Union HS200350013 Patuakhali

DashminaBanglabazar Girls HS200730011 GalachipaChiknikandi Secondary HS201254812 Uddayan Secondary School201333013 GopalgonjSadarKhand. ShamsuddinSmrity HS200974714 JessoreSadarJessoreSheikhatiShafiar Rahman M. A200369412 Sheela Roy Chowdhury HS200632410 KeshabpurTrimohini Girls’ HS200617510 ZheniadahMaheshpurSundapur Secondary School201135012 NarayangonjFatullaNabinagarShahwar Ali HS200683514 NazmunNesa Girls’ HS20122378 SirajganjUllaparaKhondker Abdul Mazid HS201298514 FaridpurSadarAl-Haj M.A. Aziz HS201220511 SatkhiraShyamnagarBhuriliaNagbati High School201248712 Tapaban Secondary Girls’ HS201230313 Safirunnesa Girls’ High School201244914 ZobedaSohrab Model HS201238410 Sundarban Girls’ High School201218511 NilphamariNilphamariSadarPolashbari Girls’ High School201225011 Laxmichap High School201232017 Chadarhat Girls’ High School201251118 Panchopukur Girls’ High School201243018 Bahalipara High School20122028 ChuadangaDamurhudaKalabariRamnagar High School201370014 SylhetJaintapurCharikata High School20134099








SrimangalBhairabgonj High School2014146520 Kakiabazar High School201485011 Mohajerabad High School201450012 Bishamoni High School20144109 Shirajnagar GJMS FazilMadrasha201464528 Boruna Haji Jalal Uddin HS20144107 Dwarika Paul Mohila College201459522

KamolgonjKamolgonj Model High School2014165018 Ahmed Iqbal Memorial HS20145019 Kamolgonj Girls High School201487514


BahubalShahjalalMaddomikBidhyaloy201445010 AlifSubhan Chowdhury Degree College2014114124 Fayzabad High School201466010   Total 51,4851,169


Note: VAB schools are located in 26 districts and 41 sub districts, named Upazilla in Bangladesh.

         For planning purpose, average number of students and teachers in a school are taken as 500

         and 14 respectively. See also the attached VAB map where these districts were identified.