Volunteers Association for Bangladesh Canada (VABC)
Your Contributions Help Achieve Solutions
VAB improves the education of poor students from rural Bangladesh by providing scholarships, tutoring, teachers’ training, and equipment. VAB’s focus is high school education, but it also supports preschools and colleges. VAB’s recipients are now in professional institutions, or starting their careers.
• Preschool Program
• Grade Six Testing / Tutoring
• Scholarship Program
• Teacher Training Program
• Computer literacy Program
Get Involved
• Become a volunteer
• Join in the concert
• Donating for the VAB kids
• Get your company involved
• Corporate sponsorships for the VAB School
• Attend a Gala
• Musical Event and Fund Raising
Singer - Farhana Shanta
Venue - St. Patrick Catholic Secondary School
49 Felstead Avenue Toronto, ON M4J 1G3 Date - 22 September
Time - 6:30 PM
Free Parking
VAB improves the lives of children in rural Bangladesh through education. VAB awards scholarships, provides tutoring, equips classrooms, and trains teachers. Programs begin in preschool and continue through college. These programs lead to improved test scores, lower dropout rates, and ultimately a better standard of living for the students. Founded in 1998, VAB’s first scholarship recipients are now in universities, professional colleges or starting their careers. VAB supports a secular education.
Purpose of VAB & VAB-Canada:
A. To support primary and secondary education of the poor and the needy students in Bangladesh.
B. To support local community efforts in improving educational and training facilities (e.g. instruction, library, laboratory) in the poor and depressed areas of Bangladesh C. To support vocational and skilled training and associated activities for helping the poor and the needy unemployables in Bangladesh to secure and maintain stable employment.
“Over 42 percent of registered candidates for SSC and equivalent certificates dropped out this year even before the examinations begin tomorrow, due to a plethora of social and financial obstacles…One of the main causes of the high dropout rate is families’ financial inability to bear their children’s educational expenses, a study by the Dhaka board claims”.
- The Daily Star.